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Overhauling Authentication at FlightAware

As FlightAware moves away from its monolithic Tcl tech stack to a distributed micro service architecture, many core services need to be split out from the monolith to keep the system running. Perhaps most important is authentication: a software product needs to have a means of knowing who you are so that it can serve you appropriate, helpful, and actionable information, and make it possible to ensure that your information does not end up in the hands of others (a topic about which we will have… ( More...

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jim sisti 1
I am certain all of the information is pertinent and verifiable. That said, it reminds me of the computer based recurrent training the airline required us to do on various topics annually. Each module was written by someone who lived and breathed the topic and spoke the jargon and acronyms presented in the training. Unfortunately, 3 or 4 capital letters within a sentence meant nothing ( or sometimes something very much different to the reader than was intended) I often thought many of the courses were too slang and technical term heavy for the people it was aimed at. The old KISS message would come to mind as my brain began to glaze over.
Jim Turner -3
In other words...."We need to come up with an official sounding excuse as a precursor to announcements which will say fees are increasing and what was once a free service will now need to be paid for."
Greg S 5
Not a single word in that whole article says or implies that.
Who let you out of the retirement home?
Greg S 4
And on a day with a cloudless sky. Big mistake.


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