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Plane crashes in Philadelphia, igniting inferno near homes and mall

A plane reportedly crashed on a street near Roosevelt Mall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Friday night, igniting nearby cars and homes in flames. The crash happened at about 6:30 p.m. after a plane carrying two people took off from Northeast Philadelphia Airport. (www.foxnews.com) More...

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Torsten Hoff 6
Sadly the number of souls on board has been revised to six.

mbrews 5
Thanks for the post Torsten. I have friends who live near the crash site ( Roosevelt Mall in Northeast Philadelphia PA USA ). The damage to nearby properties was quite severe.
Torsten Hoff 3
There is also at least one fatality on the ground.
linbb 11
Sad deal for all and being a Medevac with a small child being transported makes it even worse. Even some posters trying to make it pollical is even worse as that had nothing to do with it. My thoughts go out to all involved in this tragedy, family, people who were on the ground by it too after they found out who and why the aircraft was in the air.
captwright 4
This website used to be a great place for intelligent discussion regarding a crash. A plane in a powered dive on fire is not the usual crash scenario, and I came here to see what experienced pilots thought about it. Instead, it's total Facebook/NextDoor on here.
Greg S 6
It's really just a tiny handful of infantile, self-important losers who politicize everything. Unfortunately, there's no block feature so we all have to wade through their trash.
cyberjet 4
For what it's worth, it's been proven quite certainly that the aircraft was not on fire prior to hitting the ground. The bright light seen on video is just the landing lights.
Very tragic at the loss of life. There have been several medivac flights lost in the last couple of years. Condolences to the families of the deceased and hopes for speedy recoveries of the injured.
AWAAlum 2
We're being trained to expect less from journalism. Get with the program.
Leave it to the experts. Ever feel stupid when the cause is determined, compare it to your comment. Investigation takes data, highest probability of accident. Make recommendations for future operations.
Duane Mader 3
A guess but an educated one. I used to fly a Lear 35 that had those same thrust reversers, saw them in a picture of the accident airplane. We figured $35 per hour per reverser to maintain them and that was 25+ years ago, the guys who did it were specialists at Aeronca reversers. I’m guessing that a 30-40 year old Mexican maintained plane isn’t getting that level of attention.
If one of those deployed in flight, asymmetric deployment, you’d get that flight path.
I the sim, asymmetric deployment was almost impossible to control unless you were ready to hit emergency stow.
bbabis 1
Yes, in flight TR deployment after take-off was an almost certain crash. So was asymmetric flap retraction. Heading into night IMC, even more so.
Alan Calhoun 1
The same Medavac company based in Mexico City had another Medivac jet crash in Cuernavaca, Mexico in 2023. The jet overshot the runway on landing, rolled down the hill and burst into flames killing 5 people on board...the official register said there was only 4 people on board, they withdrew 5 bodies.
I live near (about 20-40
Minutes) and it is a tragedy this happened.

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Dan Yungk 4
They pointed out that it was a tragedy, something that anyone interested in aviation safety would agree with.
Iceman999 4
Captain Pompous is back again.
Why are so hostile man?? You feel better treating people that way?
AWAAlum 7
It's his M.O.
sparkie624 2
It is signs of poor upbringing! Should blame his parents more than him as they were the ones who first embodied those feelings!
AWAAlum 3
Sparkie, that's like saying everyone in prison is there because of their parents.
sparkie624 1
In many cases... They are... If they had been brought up correctly, I think you find that we would not have nearly as many in prison today, but rather more people more productive in their endeavours
AWAAlum 0
According to your theory, there had ought to be a "it's not my fault" plea.
Tim Dyck 0
Sparkie I’m going to disagree with you there, but only partly. While arrogance and ignorance are sometimes learned behaviour from parents it is not always so. I know families where the parents were decent people and one or more of the kids turned out to be worthless. On the other hand we have a family close to us that the mother is a complete write of from when she was young. 5 boys one girl from god only knows who the fathers were. Yet one of the boys is a good freind, worked for me for several years when he was in high school and went off to build his own business and is doing great. His siblings on the other hand are all druggies and spend their lives in and out of jail just like their dead beat mother.
sparkie624 1
You are exactly true on that.. and me and my sister are perfect examples of that as she stays in trouble and has had a couple vacations in the big house! Some people even though brought up correctly turn in the wrong direction.

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AWAAlum 11
Do you genuinely believe this topic is an appropriate one to receive your tasteless joke?

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sparkie624 2
You and Peter sounds like you 2 would make great friends... 2 Peas in a Pod... Maybe we should blame you and "Peter F. Hartmann Esq." - Makes just as much since... But then again, everyone else here knows the source!

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In these days of international travel it is hardly unusual for the nationalities of those killed in tragic accidents to be revealed, I'm not sure what point you are trying to make.
FlyinHighFL420 -9
You know exactly what point i’m making. This admin will blame anything and anyone to fit a narrative.
Torsten Hoff 6
So far you are the only one who is making the nationality of the victims an issue. President Trump hasn't mentioned it. From an update to the article:

President Donald Trump took to Truth Social to react to the tragedy.

"So sad to see the plane go down in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. More innocent souls lost. Our people are totally engaged," Trump wrote. "First Responders are already being given credit for doing a great job. More to follow. God Bless you all."

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AWAAlum 7
Give it up, newbie, this site isn't about politics.
Tim Dyck 1
I don’t think he is a newbie but more likely a previous member who recently got banned.
FlyinHighFL420 -6
Well, certainly seems like politics are all over this site. Are people not allowed to post their own opinions? Not fighting you, just would like to know. I see political articles on here all the time.
AWAAlum 4
I get your point, however, I'm guessing people insisting on bringing politics into an aviation related incident are not as enlightened as perhaps they should be.
linbb 2
I do not see where he has a point but a very slanted one sided view totally oblivious to the fact that people died in a plane crash for a reason yet to be determined. The way it took place speaks to something beyond control likely mechanical.
linbb 0
In speaking about this incident there has not been until you did. I get it everything in your world has to be a certain way. This is not the place to post as you have seen its too bad the moderator does not block you from it. Those of us who are all about aviation and understand it dangers do no appreciate your rants.
Pot calling the kettle black. Nothin more needs being said to YOU ever.
Silent Bob 1
Username checks out…
bbabis -4
Very sad! It happened quick and it looked like the aircraft was spinning and on fire during the dive. Could it have hit a drone that took a wing section off causing the sudden loss of control and fire?
cyberjet 1
It wasn't on fire. That glow in the video is landing lights. Nothing more.

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bbabis 4
Speculation is where accident investigation begins. Could it have been…and then you start ruling possibilities in or out. I’m sure your jay-walking gator will be ruled out pretty quick as the rest of us are truly interested in finding out what happened rather than posting narcissistic drivel

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AWAAlum -2
On your FB pic...are you in the process of proposing?
AWAAlum 1
To clarify everyone, this was my round-about way of letting you know you can get a gander at this guy and his superiority if you ever look at Facebook...his arrogance by divulging his full name didn't do him any favors.
Tim Dyck -2
Tim Dyck -2
“ https://youtu.be/-DCcWmsWXSk?si=1D7-6xIIoCPH_xRf”
Alan Calhoun -3
The FAA needs to change the Take Off Direction at NE Philly Airport and have Take Off Go North to Roosevelt Boulevard to shelter residents from the potentials of Crashes. Too Much Carnage was scattered on a densely populated area. And this created too much Media Attention. Residents in Philadelphia and elected officials are in shock by what they found on the Ground.
cyberjet 4
Given that the prevailing winds at KPNE favour this runway, shutting down departures from it would force flights to either take off with a tailwind (far more dangerous) or shut down altogether when the wind goes above 10 knots (for most aircraft types). Sorry, but this fact alone makes your suggestion little more than a pipe dream.
Tim Dyck 1
Good point.
bbabis 3
You seam to suggest that there is such a thing as a pretty fatal accident. I can assure you that there is not. I’ve seen too many and never a pretty one. Just as absurd, you have a notion that one can predict and demand where an aircraft should crash. I truly wish you were right on both accounts but some wishes just can’t come true.
Tim Dyck 2
What was there first the airport or the neighbourhood? We can’t be constantly moving things around because civic planners allow houses under flights paths.
Alan Calhoun -4
The Easy Answer to what came first the chicken or the egg?
Fly the Jets Planes and Helicopters over your home?
Easier to fly them North on Roosevelt Blvd and eliminate any danger.
I do not want to see another Crash on a Busy Cottman Shopping Mall time.
I hated watching Body parts raining on McDonalds at Cottman while Fox News just happened to be near there eating. They reported the entire disgusting event on National TV. Get Real.
Tim Dyck 4
My point is that poor civic planning leads to house under flight paths. Then people buy those houses and complain about planes flying over. Now we have an accident into one of those neighbourhoods and suddenly people think the airport should change its procedures or even get moved? Do you think a crash onto Roosevelt Blvd would have less body parts? Get real the problem wasn’t created by the airline industry. Quit building houses and malls under the flight path if an airport.
Alan Calhoun -2
Automatic Thumbs down for just Posting? Thanks
Clearly this accident is Biden's fault. Just like the helicopter collision was.

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sparkie624 1
A Helicopter is an Aircraft! There are many reasons!
Tim Dyck 0
Sorry but this is another incident. The helicopter/plane crash was over Washington DC.


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