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Plane crashes in Philadelphia, igniting inferno near homes and mall
A plane reportedly crashed on a street near Roosevelt Mall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Friday night, igniting nearby cars and homes in flames. The crash happened at about 6:30 p.m. after a plane carrying two people took off from Northeast Philadelphia Airport. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Thanks for the post Torsten. I have friends who live near the crash site ( Roosevelt Mall in Northeast Philadelphia PA USA ). The damage to nearby properties was quite severe.
There is also at least one fatality on the ground.
Sad deal for all and being a Medevac with a small child being transported makes it even worse. Even some posters trying to make it pollical is even worse as that had nothing to do with it. My thoughts go out to all involved in this tragedy, family, people who were on the ground by it too after they found out who and why the aircraft was in the air.
This website used to be a great place for intelligent discussion regarding a crash. A plane in a powered dive on fire is not the usual crash scenario, and I came here to see what experienced pilots thought about it. Instead, it's total Facebook/NextDoor on here.
It's really just a tiny handful of infantile, self-important losers who politicize everything. Unfortunately, there's no block feature so we all have to wade through their trash.
For what it's worth, it's been proven quite certainly that the aircraft was not on fire prior to hitting the ground. The bright light seen on video is just the landing lights.