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Shots Fired at Spirit Flight in Haiti
The airline plans to suspend service in Haiti after a flight attendant was injured during an attempted landing. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Point taken.
...sorry Nicolus, you should have known the trumpet trolls were waiting to pounce on this...
And with that comment, you become as big a dick as anyone else making negative comments.
...well thank you john for your insight..
Are you referring to the majority, the supporters of the President Elect who won the popular vote, increasing vote totals in every demographic except white unmarried females?
Who are the trolls now?
BIG smile.
Who are the trolls now?
BIG smile.
They're still there. Numbers don't make anything right....without referencing a certain country in 1939.
And there it is, the Reductio ad Hitlerum logical fallacy in all its glory.
When everyone is Hitler, NO ONE is Hitler, and you discredit yourself completely.
When everyone is Hitler, NO ONE is Hitler, and you discredit yourself completely.
...pretty unimpressive avatar there big smile...
Political opinion are great, debates are healthy (without the personal insults), but also at some point, I encourage everyone to not forget the human aspect and the human toll.