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Volcanic Eruption Causes 11 Hour KLM Flight To Nowhere
A KLM flight from Amsterdam to Mexico City yesterday was forced to make a diversion. However, despite already being over North America, the aircraft returned to Amsterdam, meaning an 11-hour flight to nowhere for passengers. The diversion was prompted by a volcanic eruption affecting Mexico City. At Simple Flying, we’ve seen a number of impressive entries for “longest flight to nowhere”. These flights typically occur when an aircraft needs to divert, but the issue is not serious enough to prompt… ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
The only one flight diverted was that of KLM. No other airline or flight cancel the flight, in or out of MEX. There was no euruption. simply the Popocatépetl volcano made several smoke and steam fumaroles.
Just for the fun of it, Edward Snowden was in the plane.
Yes landing in Cancun or some such would have been impossible because..., oh wait I cant think of a reason so I just make up some )@*#)(# about horses etc...
why the long face fellow passengers...
No Long Faces Here It's Xmas hoho.
Spoiler Alert, the flight was carrying both passengers and horses, greatly complicating the whole situation.