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Narrowbody jets are becoming popular for transatlantic travel
Narrowbody jets are becoming popular for transatlantic travel, with airlines recognizing the cost advantage of flying smaller, more fuel-efficient planes between low-demand city pairs. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Memories of having flown trans Atlantic on 707's and DC-8's before the advent of the Queen of the skies,were brightened the first time I boarded a 747. Wow! Space and room and a double aisle to walk around to keep the leg cramps at bay. Yesterday I flew a Max-9 from FLL to MSP. The window was forward of my seat so I was beside the bulging wall. Guy in the middle seat was also my build so ended up flying sideways in my seat so we could fit. The thought of a trans Atlantic flight on one of those was a horrible thought. I would reroute to get a wide body even if it made for an extra connection. Airlines market their "popular seating plan" to airlines, not to passengers. No trans-Atlantic on a narrow body for this guy thank you very much.
I will select another flight before I did that.
Interesting. Unless it's a full recline seat, though, I'm not likely to pay business class prices unless those prices are a significant discount from regular business class.
From Ft. Dix/McGuire to Kuwait in a C-17 in nylon jump seats. I was lucky as a Field Grade got to sit near the front (warmer) of the aircraft. We got a box lunch and I had a lovely view of the comfort pallet. Did the flight in full battle rattle including ballistic vest. Got off the aircraft in Rein Main for 20 minute because they wouldn’t refuel with us on board.
Things haven’t improved much since I left Travis Air Base for Viet Nam in 1970. As a lowly Warrant Officer (helicopter pilot) my seat didn’t have a perk I can think of. Lol
Until we get a Conservative President with some hevos, who can afford Business class? I'm 6'1" @220 #'s and pay extra for legroom. However, my feet still wouldn't fit behind a bulkhead! Got a pic somewhere I'll share if I find it!
Not going to fly much if any commercial from now on. Just putt along in my 80 mph truck!
Not going to fly much if any commercial from now on. Just putt along in my 80 mph truck!