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Woman Accused Of Attacking Flight Attendant For Not Picking Up Her Trash
28-year-old passenger Chenasia Campbell had to be restrained after physically assaulting a crew member on an American Airlines flight. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Individuals like this not only need a hefty $ fine, but a few months behind bars.
Never mind after seeing a photo of her I understand why she felt she was special.
Well now we know YOU think you're special.... but in reality you are especially an uneducated ignoramus.
We all know white people NEVER do bad things like the trumps, Moscow mitch, Giuliani et al.... all of which are clearly criminals!
We all know white people NEVER do bad things like the trumps, Moscow mitch, Giuliani et al.... all of which are clearly criminals!
[This poster has been suspended.]
What a POS you are
What a POS you are
[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]
What's there to hide? If he's a white guy, like I am, the media reports a zillion times a day how every single one of us is a racist white supremacist. I didn't realize I was, but apparently I missed a memo. If that's the case, well, maybe we should all just embrace our "Supreme-ness". I mean, really, being supreme ....who wouldn't want that? Wonder if it comes with any perks? Hope so. I misplaced my white privilege card shortly after I was born. Maybe there's an even better deal in my supreme membership package. I gotta go check the mail!
Getting back to reality, it doesn't matter who or what you are. Slugging a flight attendant just ain't right. The woman needs her ass locked up for awhile.
Getting back to reality, it doesn't matter who or what you are. Slugging a flight attendant just ain't right. The woman needs her ass locked up for awhile.
You brought it up, he didn’t!ð¤·♂️ð©