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You Could Soon Hear an Autopilot Announcing its Intention to Land
Three aircraft have been certified with Emergency Autoland (EAL) systems in 2020: the Piper M600, the Daher TBM 940, and the Cirrus Vision Jet SF50. EAL systems can perform an emergency landing in the event of suspected pilot incapacitation. When these systems are activated, the autopilot will begin to announce its intentions on air traffic frequencies. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Good info to have. I hope I never hear it, because that would mean that a fellow aviator is in trouble. The limitations of the autoland system are small and constantly being mitigated. It sure beats the alternatives when an only/sole pilot is suddenly out of action.
Does Elaine Dickinson need to inflate EAL before landing? (ref Flying High/Airport movie)
I think you mean “Airplane”.........
We only knew it here in Oz as Flying High.....I plead ignorance...
Pretty amazing and hope to see in more private airplane at...a much reduced cost. Wishful thinking, as these systems are expensive, but so are planes. Still, be very nice for family and others to know at least some backup in the plane. Next up, EAL that pulls a chute as well if the wings come off or whatever.
The Cirrus VisionJet already has a backup chute. If the plane starts flying in a potentially uncontrolled manner, EAL will take over and level the wings. It will then try to get a response from the pilot. If no response, EAL will land the plane. If the EAL finds the plane uncontrollable for whatever reason (including the wings coming off), the CAPS parachute will be deployed. If you are at 600 ft AGL, you and your passengers have a good chance of walking away.