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Emirates Boeing 777 Seizure Ordered By Nigerian Court

Yesterday a report surfaced in Nigerian media showing an order has been issued by Nigerian federal court to seize an Emirates Boeing 777. This is because a judge has ruled that the airline owes 8.1 Nigerian Naira (approximately US$22,400) to a Nigerian citizen for expenses incurred when a ticket was canceled unexpectedly in 2007. According to official legal filings, the matter stems from a ticket purchased in 2007 for $2,067 USD to enable Miss Promise Mekwunye to travel from Dallas – Houston –… (simpleflying.com) More...

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Uh = "ok we can cancel one flight and you'll lose more then 20 k
Ric Wernicke 2
Airlines are experts at ignoring judgements and know they will expire and most people will just give up.
ToddBaldwin3 2
The way I read the article, the woman was owed 8.1 Naira, which is about $0.026 US at todays exchange rate. From the value the "Guardian" listed, I'm going to assume they meant 8.1 Millian Naira.

"This is because a judge has ruled that the airline owes 8.1 Nigerian Naira (approximately US$22,400)...
Jim DeTour 3
And they say stewards overreact to overbearing 1st class passengers. Considering the passenger spent $22,400 for adjusting to the cancellation....she definitely has a problem. As for the federal courts order she was probably connected enough to the government to rate interaction between the Nigerian government and both the UAE and Emirate Airline. That's where it figures a Nigerian took insult by the UAE playing rich and mighty. Wrong answer.
SmokedChops 1
Why don't they contact the exiled oil minister who keeps emailing me. He said he had great influence... Really. seizing a $300 million aircraft over $2067 due to Ms. Mugambo, or whatever her name was, not getting her flight. Yeah, let me know how that works out. This is akin to an HOA seizing a $750,000 home because the garbage can was still on the curb after 8:30 am - a $25 HOA fine. If you want people to take you seriously on the world stage, this is not the way to do it.
sparkie624 -5
Liberal Governments do not do what is right, they do what is profitable.... and I will NEVER EVER live in an HOA area...

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

Kobe Hunte 4
Nice punctuation
Torsten Hoff 6
Nice punctuation.
Pecos Llama 4
Nice! Punctuation!
djames225 8
Nice punctuation?!
Viv Pike 5
Nice!! Punctuation?
Kobe Hunte 3
o.k. t.h.a.t m.i.g.h.t b.e e.n.o.u.g.h
Viv Pike 3
No. You left out the . after the last letter. Nice? Punctuation !!!!

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

Apparently there are enough people wanting to go there that Delta offers three flights a week from Huston to Lagos with a stopover at JFK. Probably mostly oil patch traffic.
Kobe Hunte 4
People that live there.
Harry Gordon 0
People who live there.
Don Quixote -3


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