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(Video) Engine failure and forced landing in a Cessna
(Video) Engine failure and forced landing in a Cessna. Great job by the pilot. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
The pilot picking the perfect straight in for the sandbar from a couple miles out was outstanding!!
Prop didnt even look that bad, love the "We'RE ALIVE !" handshake at the end
Nice job. Lucky they were at a such a slow speed when the sand finally grabbed them...
Sand can act as a non-newtonion fluid sometimes.
Great job on an engine out!! Looks like thew nose got buried into the sand making the plane dive into the sand. I hope he had full fuel tanks! It would be interesting to see what the issue was & how they got it out of that area. It is a good landing when everyone walks away from it!
Great landing... Wonder what the problem with the engine was... I hope that it was not fuel starvation... The engine did not sound that bad before it shutdown.