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Bombardier’s first CSeries aircraft is set for its maiden flight
Bombardier announced that the first CSeries aircraft, flight test vehicle one (FTV1), is set for its maiden flight. The flight is scheduled to depart Montreal-Mirabel International Airport tomorrow morning around 10AM local time. See it live webcast and track it on FlightAware. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
You will be able to see a live webcast at in English or at in French
Fist flight is over:
I am surprised the Quebec Language Police did not force Bombardier to take down the video because it was 'filmed' in Montreal, and narrated in English. Mon dieu!
French and English are both National languages in Canada and yes it is also in French. But not in spanish for the USA just English.
The boss wants a pair of them. I agree - better to buy Canadian than EU consortium
You can see it now while parked in the hangar, nice ADS-B coverage there! C-FBCS
Zomme map on Mirabel abd change map to Satelite