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Quebec plane fighting L.A. fires grounded after being struck by drone

A Quebec water bomber fighting the Palisades Fire in Los Angeles has been grounded after it collided with a drone flying in restricted airspace, officials said. ( More...

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The Rx 2
That's a pretty big drone to cause that kind of damage. I'm guessing Remote ID is of no assistance ?? I did notice that there were no TFR's or NOTAMS for the areas where they were scooping at the time (Castaic Lake nor the open ocean near Santa Monica).

Find it odd that Disneyland gets their own blanket TFR ... uggggh
i hope whoever was flying that drone faces legal prosecution
The Rx 2
I'm wondering if that collision may have been from one of their own agency thermal or LIDAR survey drones ??

Wouldn't be the first time for an incursion.

We've had two major occurrences here in Canada involving police aircraft and drones.

Drone pilot error in both cases !!

That damage doesn't look like it's from a smaller civilian or recreational UAS .....


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