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El Al Flight Makes Emergency Landing in Billings, Montana
The Billings Gazette is reporting that an Boeing 777 operated by El Al Airlines was forced to make an emergency landing at the Billings International Airport shortly before 0600 hours (MST) Sunday, 15 November 2015. Warning lights indicated a fire in the starboard engine. The flight, operating from Tel Aviv to Los Angeles, carried 279 passenger plus crew members. The does not have jetway service capable of accommodating a Boeing 777 and has no customs agents for commercial flights. Passengers… ( More...@MikeOxlong - most certainly they would provide you with nonkosher food if you required it. Israel is not Saudi Arabia (where prohibited foods are forbidden and illegal.) You can purchase pork, bacon, or any other nonkosher meat you desire. You could even mix your nonkosher meat with milk if your heart is set on it. The thousands of non-Jewish Russians who immigrated to Israel in the past twenty certainly do. So do the recent Somali immigrants, and the Ethiopian immigrants. Or the Vietnamese immigrants from the 1970's. Or the thousands of Filipinos who live there. Or the Christians of all stripes and flavors. Israel is not simply a bunch of black-hatted, bearded Hassidic Jews. It is a diverse, dynamic multi-cultural democracy.
Even people from Dubai found something to eat
They have convenience stores there that would accommodate the ordinary palate.
I've been there several times and what you refer to as "un-kosher" food is available almost everywhere. I've been there many times and throughly enjoyed the food. From what I've observed, most Israelis don't follow kosher except maybe on holidays (read Thanksgiving here with turkey). The US jews seem to like to put on the "dog" when they travel to Israel and go kosher flying to and from Israel.
As I do. At least you know what you are eating no matter how bad. Though the hummas is quite good.