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Pilot Unions Form Coalition to Oppose Single-Pilot Operations, Citing Safety Concerns and Profit-Driven Motives
MONTREAL, CANADA — Pilot unions are strongly opposing single-pilot operations for commercial aircraft, labeling these automation-dependent concepts as profit-driven and posing significant safety risks. The Air Line Pilots Association International, European Cockpit Association, and International Federation of Air Line Pilots' Associations have formed a coalition to counter such initiatives and are committed to protecting the safety of passengers. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Besides the ALPA and other Pilot Organizations, the general public is opposed to single-pilot operations. I wished I had kept the poll but a recent poll showed the flying public response with 94% opposed to such an idea. Several of the comments were hilarious
If only the Powers That Be actually listened to John Q. Public
If you think the aviation machine gives a rat's a$$ what the general public thinks, you are sadly mistaken. The unions made the same racket when the engineer went the way of the navigator. The copilot is next. Get used to it.
Murphy’s Law: if it can go wrong it will go wrong.
Bahler’s Law: Murphy was an optimist.
Bahler’s Law: Murphy was an optimist.
You should read ‘Murphy’s Laws of Combat’
Finagle's Law..."Anything that can go wrong, will—at the worst possible moment."
I should note , before anyone says “ he must have felt ill before the flight “
It was the first thing I asked him , and the reply was “no , felt fine , I wouldn’t have taken the aircraft if I didn’t “