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Airbus poised to corner Boeing with the new extended A220 variant
WASHINGTON — Developing a new commercial plane is a costly and time-consuming process that requires a lot of technical expertise, and there is no guarantee of success, as demonstrated by the Airbus A380, which was only produced for a short period of time. The iconic superjumbo couldn't earn back the $20 billion it cost to develop before it was discontinued in 2019. This is why the aerospace industry nowadays prefers to modify, lengthen, and redesign existing models at a much lower cost… ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Boeing should have left Bombardier alone, but the guys in the 3 piece suits said to shut 'em down and so came the lawsuits and tariffs and the like. Airbus bought Bombardier, renamed the CS line to the A line and the rest is history. Oh, and the guys that made that mistake have retired, resigned or been fired. Boeing is now struggling without anything to compete with the A220 and, ..... well, as they say, 'Payback is a bitch'!
absolutely agree with the above sentiments. It could very well be that in the past Boeing had resorted to similar practices and got away with it....
The finance guys aka "bean counters" nearly ruined Rolls Royce Jet Engines a few decades ago before a light came on somewhere and common sense prevailed.
As Churchill once said (and I paraphrase): "those who do not know history are fated to repeat it."
The finance guys aka "bean counters" nearly ruined Rolls Royce Jet Engines a few decades ago before a light came on somewhere and common sense prevailed.
As Churchill once said (and I paraphrase): "those who do not know history are fated to repeat it."
Santayana I think, not Churchill, But otherwise as valid a statement today as when he said it.
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Spoken like some like someone who has nothing of substance to offer in rebuttal, so shooting the messenger is all you have.
Ironic, I think, that you idiots always sound exactly the same.