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Pilot Who Became Incapacitated During American Airlines Flight Dies

An airline pilot who became incapacitated during a flight from Chicago to Columbus, Ohio, on November 19 has died. The pilot, whose name has not been released, was required flight crew aboard Envoy Air Flight 3556, an Embraer E175 operated as American Eagle, with service from Chicago O’Hare (KORD) to John Glenn International Airport (KCMH). According to, approximately 30 minutes into the flight, the pilot flying as first officer notified air traffic control: “Need to return, the… ( More...

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Vaughn Blue Jr 47
This ought to be a lesson for the FAA & airlines in saying NO! NO! NO! to only one pilot in the cockpit. How stupid can they be to even consider it? Having one pilot to "solve" the pilot shortage only leads to death of thousands of travelers who they obviously care nothing about!
Roger Duncan 3
Stupidest thing I have ever heard of!!
silvano Cerboneschi 27
Sorry for the late pilot, condoleances to his family
k1121j 58
Yet the airlines think we only need one Pilot.
Lewis Tripp 24
Agree, my friend. With out two in the front office, Grayhound.
Owen Grzanich 33
It is pretty ridiculous having only one pilot. If I was scheduled on a flight with only one pilot, I would not board.
jmilleratp 17
No, they think we need zero pilots.
jbermo 6
Yes, that is the coming future as more and more and more technology is added to make it so. Unfortunately, you are along for the ride.
Bernie20910 16
No, I will definitely not be along for that ride.
Danny DesCombes 2
Exactly..crazy not to have 2
godutch 29
We WILL NOT ALLOW one pilot operations. Period. Stop the idiocy.
TWA55 7
Maybe not in our lifetime, but 1 pilot or no pilot will happen, you can take that to the bank.
Michael Williamson 3
But wait, how can I take it to the bank when it will happen after our lifetime and I'm dead? Hmm, I'm not sure I should accept your offer...
ewrcap 1
Your heirs will appreciate it!😂
21voyageur 10
Not that I disagree with you but who is the "We" you are referring to?
Dale Ballok 16
Pilots union. Folks, this is a total disregard for safety, both of the crew members, and conversely, of the passengers. These are the times when you need a strong union to back you, and fight for your health and safety in the workplace, not to mention the fare-paying passengers! As a retired firefighter, and a former airline worker, I’ve seen first hand, companies/cities try to put cost savings above any other consideration, irregardless of safety or hardship to its employees. You must be organized, informed, and steadfast in your demand to not allow these debilitating changes to take effect.
victorbravo77 2
Thank you, Dave!
Dale Ballok 5
Pilots union
John Taylor 8
It shouldn't even have to be the unions. Passengers should refuse to fly if that rule is implemented.
paul trubits 1
The rail unions resisted getting rid of the "Fireman" even though engines had stopped using coal many years ago.
Timothy Shaffer 4
Correct, but the conductor rides up front and can stop the train if need be.
paul trubits 1
Not at KDEN
John Gibson 13
Crew Resource Management should never include reducing efficiency and safety. Two-up is clearly better and if passengers have to pay for that back-up safety system then surely that is to their advantage.

When should bean counters get to make decisions that affect safety in a negative way? Never.
Duane Mader 5
Bean counters responsible for 737 disaster.
Russ Brown 1
When they work for Boeing.
mary susan watkins 13
Today is november 30th and the incident occurred on november 19th..the statement from the airline seems to indicate he either died at the scene or at the hospital shortly thereafter, as it says despite the work of paramedics and the hospital,he passed away..sympathy to his family and fellow employees of envoy..
Rick D 11
Last week there was a story posted here about airlines pushing for one-pilot flights, and a story about the unrealistic demand by the FAA that pilots demonstrate an ability to hand fly. And the first of April is still months away?
Ken McIntyre 19
So, one pilot in the cockpit is less expensive than paying out insurance and death benefits to the passenger's survivors, industry wide? Plus buying a new airplane or two every year, industry wide? Seems like there are a couple of incidents a year like this. Of course there will only be half as many incidents because there are half as many pilots in the cockpit.

No thanks. I'll walk.
Ken McIntyre 2
Taking this a step further...

The airlines could pool 1/3 to 1/2 of the second pilot's wages, world wide. This would (might) offset the cost of lawsuits, death benefits, and aircraft losses, world wide.

/sarc on...Higher profits for a small cost, I suppose. Write off 200-400 or so passengers a year, a couple of pilots, a couple of airplanes, and a bunch of messy lawsuits. The airline companies could hope for the losses to be in countries with weak laws (Russia, North Korea, Angola).../sarc off

Never mind. I'll STILL walk.
iknarf 1
Could it not be a 'joke' trying to frighten the stuff to work harder? And demand less?
mariofer 18
All critical systems in an aircraft are redundant. In my humble opinion, the guy sitting at the controls, is a critical system and needs to be redundant as well; no matter the level of automation on that aircraft.
DonDengler 7
I am truly saddened to learn this. RIP, brother
Beemac 7
Bet there’s no autopsy
Yassine Cherfouni 6
Let’s be humans and logical people . This is not really the time to criticize anyone or jump to conclusions.
My heart and respect goes to Capt.Ford , we are proud of him , his crew members and family.
My sincere condolences to All. He died doing his job well and loved it . He will not be forgotten.
Crew Members, ATC , FAA and first responders did everything they could to safe him and followed protocol, procedures in a professional manner. Thank you ladies and gentlemen.
With the new medical trails and mandatory participation I would suggest three pilots.
coinflyer 16
Without two pilots in the cockpit I will buy a better car.
paul trubits 2
As in a self driving car?
gerald williams 10
I will never step foot on a plane with only one pilot,,,,never!
Rex Bentley 7
Wait til there are no pilots, after all you trust and automatic elevator. It's the old story of airline crews will be made up of a pilot and a dog. The dog is there to bite the pilot if he touches anything.
chugheset 1
Unless that pilot is me. Then if I die enroute, I won't care!
Gregory Bourgeois 10
Well, it looks like redundancy and safety are on the way out as far as the FAA is concerned. The
penny pinchers at the airlines are pushing to keep costs down at the expense of safety. Not good.
David Fenner 1
i don't think so.
Gregory Bourgeois 5
Well, it looks like redundancy and safety are on the way out as far as the FAA is concerned. The
penny pinchers at the airlines are pushing to keep costs down at the expense of safety. Not good.
And I wonder if this poor pilot was fully vaxxed and boosted per company mandates.
Nathan Cox 1
Indeed the elephant in the room is why are young pilots dying and having medical issues all the sudden? Could it be the myocarditis the jab causes??? This is why you never mandate something experimental! Trust me, this isn’t the first case of a healthy pilot having post jab issues on the flight deck and it won’t be the last. RIP fellow aviator.
Robert Vik 5
I have been on quite a few single pilot helicopters and fixed wing aircraft, and I find it deeply unsettling, especially in the era of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (which I won't expand further in this post). If the airlines decide to proceed with single pilot aircraft operation there is only one question. Will the traveling public stop using air transportation before or after a spate of horrifying accidents?
Cole Neill 4
FAA- Folly, Arrogance, Apathy. Another worthless Amerixan Government Agency.
Kevin Keswick 4
So just like Twitter before Elon Musk if you post any factual information here on the side effects of the experimental mRNA injections your comments get deleted. Never mind this is a matter of death and life. Healthy young pilots just don't drop dead.
Leander Williams 4
This incident should be an impetus to put that asinine plan to have one-pilot airliners to bed once and for all.
Phil Nolden 4
I'm soooo glad I'm retired. What are the bean counters going to do - give the poor solo pilot a pee-pee bottle????
Jack May 3
I will never knowingly travel on an airliner with only one pilot.
Tim Dyck 5
It’s very sad to hear of someone passing away wile at work. But thankfully there was another pilot available to land the plane.
don dunn 5
Speaks volumes against any effort being made to reduce the number of pilots to one on any commercial aircraft. Had only one pilot been aboard what would have happened to that plane if he got sick!
Ron Slater 6
This article should be given to every owner of a Single Pilot corporate jet that wants to save a little money flying an $8 million + jet around with them and they entire family with one pilot
gerald williams 2
C Kayes 4
So for all the professionals who are reading this, how does this unfortunate incident compare to the current trend for DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) hiring?
Are you at all concerned about that?
mike walker 3
Cabin attendants used to note the seat location of passengers whose ticket was titled as “dr.” to keep in mind for emergencies. If single pilot ops pass, will the pre takeoff safety routine will include a “show of hands” for “pilots onboard”?
I think any pilot here will agree that SPO for airlines is a fool’s idea that could only happen by corruption of the integrity of a few key government keepers of public safety. Keep that thought in mind as some of you throw shade on people’s posts here suggesting that there are coverups with the Covid vaccines that were brought to you by a different government alphabet group. And as I say that, I’m not an antivaxer and did round one of this “vaccine”, and have desire for a pissing contest, but I suggest to you that the media is purposely ignoring the etiology of the mRNA vaccines role in sudden adult death syndrome of people under 40, particularly males, and numerous other cardiac and vascular issues despite evidence to the contrary. Docs that disagree with the official narrative and speak up are being attacked and board certifications challenged for revocation. Think about that idea for a minute…the consider if the vocal pilots that speak out about SPO were to quietly have their certificates revoked and mainstream media decides “there’s nothing to see here folks”, do you see a problem? Especially with the skies saturated everyday with upcoming students that will jump at the idea to replace you. My rant is over and I’m off to bed, but let’s hope we have a return of integrity to this country.
Kevin Keswick 2
I agree 100% with what you posted. I posted similar comments a couple a days ago and for some reason they were deleted tonight along with all of the many replies (if you look below you can see all the deleted posts). First time ever that I have seen posts get deleted from flightaware and I have been on this site for many years. Normally they rely on downvotes to make a post "disappear" although you you can still read them.

Initially my post received so many downvotes that it was hidden but then other people started reading my post and agreed with me and so my comments became visible again. There is enormous pressure from Pfizer and the government to censor any information about the troubling number of sudden deaths after "vaccination". It looks like flightaware caved into the pressure!
mike walker 1
Make that “no” desire for a pissing contest…
darjr26 3
They really need to put science courses back in high school curriculum.
Roger Jaffe 3
Where in the article is any reference to mRNA vaccines, COVID or otherwise? You assume the pilot is young because it's a commuter airline, you assume that since he's young, the cause of death must be a vaccine that you assume he was required to take.

I agree -- Two pilots in the cockpit is a must, but the vaccination comments are quite a stretch.
mikeenderle 7
Completely fair. But the cause of death does need to be investigated. It reflects on the integrity of Class I medicals.

But if it ends up being bloodclots of any sort, my index of suspension is going through the roof. Not saying it's vaccine related but I'm not saying it's not either.
royalbfh 2
eureka!!!! If the airlines do drop down to one pilot then that will double the pilot pool and the pilot shortage that they created will be fixed! brilliant!!
jbermo 4
. . . on their way to someday full automation, they are not only going to stop there.
Roy Hunte -3
On the way to less chance of human error human error human error...
N710VE 2
Obviously vaccinated.
Mike InPA 1

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Andy Cruickshank 3
If I read thearticle correctly the captain (who died) was in training, so I believe the person in the right seat was a training captain and not a first officer.
This was a tragic occurrence.There is no evidence that I am aware of that this death was caused by mrNA vaccines (not drugs).There is also no evidence that the other pilot had to move the disabkled captain and taxi to the gate.He was so worked up he did not read the article.
HeissZephyr 2
So Andy, if it was caused by the mRNA shot do you think that would be made known? Do you deny that's within the realm of possibilities?
Herbert Krosta 2
Hello Kavin.
You made a good point, but most people don't believe that the Vaccine got graphene oxide nanoparticles in it. We know a Airplane mechanic, steady on night shift. On day, he did not wake-up to go to work. His mother found him dead in his bed. Transfer to Toronto,they found his Blood was black, thick right up to his Heard. Not a saying about Vaccine. Those Doctors came-up with a New medicine word.
Holland Doctor found out, Pfizer, Jonson, mRNA,(one more) giving Gene Change to you. It may take 2 to 5 years to show. Stay Healthy, Herb
Kevin Keswick 2
Thank you for your nice reply Herb

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Lewis Tripp -5
Super post, Kevin. Amen to that.
btweston -5
I get the vibe that you like to assume things and then preach about them. We are all very impressed.
Randy Manning 1
You know, during the time when a lot of pilots were refusing the vaccines ? There are doctors out there that are reporting that men from 18 to 30 are dying suddenly, just drop over dead, and they are coming to the realization that it's the vaccines are causing the deaths from myocarditis, in other words heart failed. Do your research!
Haven Rich 1
I read some horrible comments on Twitter about "the jab" and wonder what the autopsy shows. As an aside, when I was giving commercial glider rides, over 1200 of them, male passengers would ask me if I really knew how to fly whereas females would ask, "How's your health"! There is no requirement for an aviation medical examination to fly even commercial gliders!
Mike InPA 1
If it's on Twitter then it must be true.
Jesse Carroll 1
I will NOT fly on any airline that only has ONE pilot!
terry gersdorf 1
Anyone know if it was being operated by Envoy ?
Candy Sheeran 1
I know in the FAR AIM that pilots aren't required to take drugs that aren't FDA approved....
garritt 1
There is something about dying while doing what you love........may he soar thru his eternity..
Steven Williamson 1
Now the accountants just need to calculate how many air miles the E175 needs to fly single pilot to make it economically viable to pay off the families of the 88 passengers when the single pilot becomes incapacitated and the aircraft "lands early".
Penelope Stewart 1
Your pilot has now gone "home," and is very well indeed. My heartfelt condolences to those he left behind. They will all meet again.
Candy Sheeran 1
I'd ask every pilot I'm flying with if they got this experimental jab....and I wouldn't fly with them...
Mike InPA 1
So you just turnaround and get off the plane? Give us a break.
Andy Ridings -2
Vaccine injury ?
William Robertson 8
Tight lipped about it aren’t they? Died suddenly is now trending on Twitter. Fauci himself said in an interview about the aids vaccines in 1995, “…we give it to 10 people, all goes well a few weeks later, we give it to 500, all goes well, we give it to 5,000. Then we we find out it takes 12 years for all hell to break loose and what have you done?”
C Kayes 5
BEFORE approving a new drug in normal times (not now) they follow control groups for at least 10-15 years. You may have noticed that this time the mRNA drug (it's not a vaccine, so top calling it that it's gene therapy) was done so quickly that the control groups were unmasked before the release. So no control groups, no way to prove any liability for harm.

Do you understand how this works now?
Haven Rich 1
So where is the autopsy report?
royalbfh 1
eureka!!!! If the airlines do drop down to one pilot then that will double the pool and the pilot shortage that they created will be fixed! brilliant!!

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rbt schaffer 0
All the more reason to go to ZERO pilots in the cockpit
Phil Nolden 2
Oh, riiiiight! You'll have the cabin to yourself.
bbabis 0
I'm sure that everyone will jump on this as an absolute call for no less than two pilots in the cockpit and thankfully this one did. The problem is that this aircraft like all in the current airline fleet requires two pilots and does not have the technology that would allow single pilot operations. That technology is available. It is rare that GA leads the aviation sector in advancements but many models can now safely land themselves incase of pilot incapacitation taking in all weather, terrain, fuel, and airport considerations en route to a safe landing. The pilot or anyone else onboard can push the engage button themself if needed or the system activates itself if it detects an unresponsive pilot. It is along the lines of addressing the single vs twin discussion by having a standby engine that starts and helps to a safe landing should the primary engine fail. To further show that it is only a matter of time, the Air Force and civilian agencies routinely operate hundreds of space and large inter atmospheric flights with no pilots.
Steve Young 10
Suggest you read the ATSB accident reports on QF32, QF30 and QF72. If not for pilots on board they would have holes in the ground. No amount of ‘ground streaming’ would have saved them.
Allan Churn 0
I recall an Air NZ female captain died at the controls whilst taxying a Boeing to the terminal. That was in 2014.
mikeenderle -1
Yes, some people throughout history have died. What's point are you making?
Candy Sheeran -4
I bet he was all shot up with the experimental monkey shot
Stefan Sobol 0
Planes are already capable of fully automatic navigation, landing field choice, ATC coordination, passenger notifications, and landing. Garmin has a system that if the pilot is incapacitated someone just has to press the red button on the glareshield and the plane does everything by itself including picking the nearest suitable airport. If it works in a Cirrus, it'll work in any large transport. They are already heavily automated.
Tim Dyck 10
My experience in maintenance makes me very reluctant to become dependant on electronics. When you deal with electronic failures daily and see how unreliable they really are it makes a person skeptical of those systems.
Duane Mader 3
Being able to push that big red button on the yoke and having pilots that can actually fly is pretty important at times.
Victoria Auerbach -6
Wow you are rude!


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