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New York woman gets prison term for altercation aboard plane

New York woman has been sentenced to four months in prison for interfering with crew members aboard a flight from Dallas to Los Angeles in February 2021 ( More...

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nick hawel 34
These people should be awarded a life ban from flying too , zero tolerance must be enforced .
Huck Finn -7
No, she has been punished. Look at how crime and punishment is being distorted today with no bail required for msny city’s crimes. You sound tough but sit on a jury sometime and put away the pitchfork.
John Majane 4
Why? She has proven she cannot be on a plane. At least this airline should ban her for life.
nick hawel 3
I can't sit on a jury , i have a criminal

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sparkie624 10
I disagree... A Minimum 1 Year in Prison, then Probation for 2 years and barred from flying anywhere! Need to smack them down, and smack them down hard... We are way to light on these people and need to set some examples. Cruelty would be to tie her to a Pole and give her 10 good licks on the back like they used to in earlier days.

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John Majane 4
Stroll through East Baltimore or South Chicago one night and tell me how sporadic and rare it is. Nothing wrong with making people suffer the consequences of their actions. This woman's prison sentence is very light for what she and the other woman did.
Jim Bassler 4
Of course you're referring to the Police state on J6. Way to twist the narrative to some Q based lunacy. Thanks for being that person.
AWAAlum 2
Maybe you should relocate.
Ira Hargis 3
Go to Russia
Chloe ORourke 1
It’s refreshing to hear the opinion that we have enough of a bureaucratic police state already. Completely agree with you. The sentencing is sufficient for a first time idiot. The second time, or repeated idiocy, then you can throw a book at them (or whatever).
Dale Ballok 4
Hmm. Wonder how this would be handled if it happened on a Russian Airline?
sparkie624 4
Firing Squad! Guaranteed no repeat offenders.
Huck Finn -3
It wasn’t Russia
Dennis Dulac 50
They need to be banned from flying ever again.
C B 3
Hear hear!!!
Matt Reardon 0
Why? YOur are ignoring that people get angry and for adults usually for good reason. Yo ucast the stones but it would not take long to find that you are a disgusting hypocrit. You too get angry , and i doubt very much that you have not from time to time been confrontational, rude , insulting or sarcastic or even assaultive. You got away with it but in reality based on your logic perhaps you too should have been arrested or arbitrarily punished. Its a farce for you to pretend that emotions are not real andre not legitimately provoked and its completley false, another government lie, to pretent that an agument or confrontation on a flight endangers the flight. No it does not unless the crew refuses to exercise common sense to try to defuse it. I know how to defuse a tense andgry situation, its not difficult asll it take is a bit of will to do so . The crew like most crews are lazy and uncareing and didn't want to make the effort so they immediately called the marshalls. Thy feel mighty self-righteous and yet they have needlessly ruined someone's life. It all begins with believing lies just like the govenrment Covid lies that cost us trillions just like the lies of the pre-WW2 lies from the Japanese and Gernman governments. American citizens at the pig tough of government lies and media generated alternative realities. Go for it !

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John Majane 2
Why are you making excuses for this woman?
Matt Reardon 0
Yes indeed i'll take a stand for this woman - people get angry and that of course includes pious hypocritical YOU. People get angry for good reason but also b/c they may be sick, they may have experienced recent trauma or loss or insults or stresses of innumerable type, some people are gradually worn down by an accumulation of stressors that eventually causes a decompensation often triggered by a seemingly minor confrontation. YOU are heartless and unimaginative not to understand this. It is a matter of HUMANITY you dumb ass. As for it endanging the flight. That is a bunch of bull just like all this masking and social distancing was a bunch of ignorant government and media endorsed bull - once it was recinded Covid rates dropped to the floor where it currently is despire millions attending football and other mass events not only was it not true the incidence rate curves strongly suggest it was HARMFUL.
C J 2
Right…. And the riots in the summer of 2020 were “mostly peaceful” too.
Roy Hunte 21
About time!
frequentflyguy 18
We are living in Its all about me" times rather than worrying about what society thinks. This foments dangerous behavior. While I applaud the verdict, its too little, too late and will have no effect on boorish behavior onboard going forward. Get involved. I ALWAYS volunteer to the FA's to help out if needed. Inside the tube, we are all one community with few options. Silence is tacit approval. Stand up for the flight crew and fellow passengers (with flight crew direction)
Dale Ballok 4
“Too little, too late”? These excessive penalties weren’t needed in the past, as people knew how to behave in public. But, since times and mentalities have changed, this is the result. Hopefully, it’ll change, as more people realize the price they’ll have to pay for their aggressive actions.
ed norton 1
What do you mean by " I always volunteer to the FA's"? Do you mean as an off duty FA or a passenger?
Joel Payne 9
To "frequentfly.guy". As a 30+ year retired major airline pilot, I wish you had been on a couple of my flights, over the years. THANKS for your support of the hard working flight crews.
sparkie624 31
Good for her... She deserved that and Much Much more!
EMK69 29
About time they started giving serious jail time for these misfits
Michael Foster 7
Rather poor article, as it does not state what the interaction was with the crew or the attempts of the crew to settle the situation. There is probably more to the story as to the severity of the altercation to cause the plane to divert. Usually a couple of cable ties to hold a pax to the seat is enough, so there must be more here. The charge was "interfering with crew members" but that part is left out of the article.
Chuck Lavazzi 6
I have to agree that the details are a bit sketchy, although it's hard to think of anything that could justify physically assaulting other passengers.
Tim Eichman 12
One case down, how many to go?
Dale Ballok 3
As many as it takes!
David Schneider 6
There can be no doubt that in many ways our people have become more coarse, vulgar and violent. How does it end?
21voyageur 5
Hard to undo tribalism and social degradation.
Dale Ballok 5
With stronger penalties, like fines and jail time.
Mike Hindson-Evans 6
About time too.
Edward Bardes 9
Aircraft surveillance recorders should be required on all commercial aircraft.
Dale Ballok 2
Why? There’s hundreds on every flight…cell prone cameras!
Edward Bardes 7
But cell phone cameras don't always catch the start of a confrontation.
John Taylor -1
Every aspect of our society is under 24 hour surveillance and you want more intrusion by being watched on the plane as well? It's bad enough we practically get cavity searched just to get on the plane and now you want even more scrutiny? Do you have your smart tv camera watching at home too?
Edward Bardes 7
If the airline is able to record what the passengers do on their planes, it'll either deter people from causing a ruckus or provide an accurate and objective account of any ruckus that does happen, thereby enabling airlines to communicate between one another over passenger behavior and prevent them from causing trouble for other airlines.
SkyAware123 2
wtf do you have to hide sitting on an airplane? It's a public place with no expectations of privacy. I guess you don't mind a terrorist coming on board of your plane flying it into the ground or a building. I like my privacy in places that one can reasonably expect privacy. OTher than the lavatory in an airplane, the rest is NOT such a place.
Tim Dyck 1
When I fly I have no intention of doing anything so a camera isn’t concerning to me. If it keeps the rowdies at bay then by all means install them.
AWAAlum 1
Long long ago, I was the Operations Manager of a school bus company in the south suburbs of Chicago. I would have given 6 months salary to have cameras installed in the buses. Sometimes, John, it's a necessary evil.
21voyageur 0
maybe allowing guns onboard will balance things out. NOT ! ! ! WTF kind of societal spiral is happening when this is even a topic for discussion?
Betty Millard 2
Wow Dan….just a bit over the top, don’t u think. Chill out, talk bout spiraling. 🤪
Huck Finn 0
Good post John! Glad there are some thinking people out there!!
Jim Bassler 0
Yeah might as well do away with the locked cockpit door. Like it or not there are certain environments that require monitoring in order to protect the business at hand. Transporting hundreds of folks on an aircraft is serious business.We need people to know they are being monitored and will be held accountable. How can a flight crew handle one or more selfish big mouth inconsiderate passengers during a flight. The whiner class do not have a right to jeopardize the safety of the crew or passengers because they have a political axe to grind. Look at the instances that commonly occur, it's either substance abuse or some anti masker right wing nut job complaining abusing a fellow passenger or crew. Social decorum was once the norm rather than the exception.
Huck Finn -2
That's right, bring in BIG BROTHER.
Mootaz Elnozahy 8
4 months and $9200 only? This is as light as a sentence as you could get. And it is ridiculous
James Wilson Jr 8
Prison stripes for ALL of the passengers that interrupt the flights via their bad behavior.
Jesse Carroll 4
YES! About time!
MSReed 4
Good. Although the sentence is too light, at least there is a penalty.
She should get way more than a piddly 4 months! A year & 7 months after the crime is too long for a trial.
Elliot Cannon 3
Their actions jeopardized everyone on that flight. If you put that many people at risk, you deserve the maximum. Four months ain't enough.
Jim Allen 5
$9200 fine? How about how it much it cost AA to divert?
Tim Danaher 2
Wow Matt your making every comment sound like it was everyone else's fault but hers. I am not sure of the story, nor do I care but what i do understand is it seems like people, like you are calling for less cops, but why? I mean would you rather we went back to the old days where everyone was armed and there were no organized law keepers? I mean while I am not a huge fan of the Government I do think that the police are in a no win situation! If they do their jobs, they are going to have people claim they used too much force or whatever. If they don't do anything you have people asking why they did not react. Like I said before I say too much I have not seen the full unbias story so I will not comment at this time.
Brian Freeman 2
Wherever you stand on the whole imprisonment debate (tree hugging liberal where no one should be incarcerated or draconian "put them in jail forever" approach) you should still support my idea of hard labor punishment. Put these mopes to work cleaning aircraft lavatories or walking runway FOD checks in Phoenix in August or hand washing aircraft, etc., etc. The work ideas are endless, but the punishment would resonate with these miscreants.
AWAAlum 1
They'd just call in sick.
Edward Bardes 1
If we did impose hard labor, it would have to involve tasks where it'd be difficult to enact some sort of retribution against anyone through the work they do. And any tasks that require security clearance should definitely not be trusted to anyone with a reason to retaliate against whoever they're working for.
sreekumar kumaran 2
When air tickets cost mere pittance guess who are flying 'BUMS'.I take the train when i can help it.
Chuck Lavazzi 3
These idiots were in First Class. Looks more like a case of entitlement and alcohol, based on the brief description in the article.
C B 2
Jail time is truly needed. Good move! Airlines and cruise ships too must ban these brawlers for life. They are un-desirable to be amongst those who know how to properly function in society. Fines? Another good move. Also, if brawlers are on ANY form of Gov't assistance.. i.e Section 8, S.S.I, Vet. Benefits, SNAP, WIC, etc. discontinue it. The personnel cannot do their jobs if they have to constantly worry about the next nutcase who has no self control. Let alcohol consumption or medical issues be no excuse. Good call by American Airlines!!
Tim Dyck 1
I doubt people on government assistance would be flying first class.
Andy Ridings 2
Perhaps the question should be;

How did it start??

We all know where it ends
Dale Ballok 2
Exactly! Don’t let it start, then you don’t have to deal with the aftermath! Sometimes, though, it’s an addiction or mental problem.
Landyn Franker 1
Wow! That sucks.
SkyAware123 1
4 months? lol. what a joke.
susan mandeville 1
Put both of them in the "no fly zone" for life!
SkyAware123 1
Toss them out the plane over the ocean. USed to work in south america
mvstrick 1
Seems like a “Hand Slap” sentence? The harder the sentence, the news will travel with the thought,,, You don’t want to even THINK about disrupting air travel in any way! Just my “Intolerance” for certain things coming to the surface! Fly Safe to everyone!
Matt Reardon 1
I learned recently first hand that this ins NOT a justice system it is a corrupt arbitrary INJUSTICE system where judges shoot from the hip based on their personal biases and abrupt unconsidered judgements especially the high-handed as in 'i'm God's legal gift to humanity' women judges. The big problem with these women attorneys and judges is their viewpoint derives from their role as mothers taking care of children rather than the context of adults among adults. They are arrogant stupid fools applying kindergarten mentalities to adult worlds. As for the cabin staff they also have arisen as Nazi fascists, i personally depise them. If you dont smile the proper way theose A-Hs will call the marshalls and have your arrested. I dont want them to even lookk at me. I am vastly more accomlished than them including a long Army career. I find this entire matter thoroughly disgusting but not nearly disgusting as the unforgiving fascist brutal commentary associated with it.
Richard Cook 1
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Richard Cook 1
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Joel Payne 1
BRAVO! Too bad it took nearly 18 months, before "justice" was rendered.
AWAAlum 1
I understand all the posts communicating their desire for stiffer penalties, longer prison terms, etc. Sadly, it's been proven that the threat of prison is not a deterrent to crime; the perps don't believe they'll be caught - particularly when alcohol's involved.
David Ismael Arias 0
Good for da bitch.
Huck Finn 0
The punishment meted out to the woman from New York was fair and just. After completing her stay in prison there should be no further punishment ie. banned from flying etc. The judicial system is not meant to be a device to destroy someone for life but is intended for proclaiming a fair and just punishment for specific crimes. Yes she was wrong to interfere with the flight crew and she has been justly sentenced for it. Any more punishment on top of or in addition to this would be cruel and
Dale Ballok 3
But, cruel and unusual punishment is all some people understand. It’s a sticky wicket.
Alan Dahl 2
While I agree that a lifetime national flight ban would be way too harsh I think that American Airlines would be well within their rights to refuse to serve her in the future (or for a period of time of their choosing) as they are a private business and can decide who they want to sell to.
Rick Polley -4
Society behavior world wide is spiraling downwards, and the number one reason is the so called LEGAL profession!
Dale Ballok 3
No, the legal profession isn’t the cause for these behaveriol outbursts, but sometimes they don’t do much to quell them. They only get involved after the fact.
Chuck Lavazzi 2
How do you figure that? Hard to see a connection, based on what's in the story.
Rick Polley 5
How do I figure that? The so called legal profession gets offenders let off of a charge, or released from Prison way to early. They work totally against our Human and Society values, all in the name money! For one, just look at the Boeing 737 Max debacle. Due to management cutting costs, the final product was unsafe and below par. As a result nearly 400 people were killed! As a result, because of the so called legal profession, not one person on the board of Boeing was held accountable, for what was really, MASS MURDER.
Big business, especially in America, is renowned for unconscionable behavior.
We need EVERYBODY to be held accountable for their actions. Without the money driven legal profession, the world would be on the road towards ACCOUNTABILITY!

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sparkie624 1
That will not get you removed just by voting it down... If it gets deleted it is because the Administrators viewed the message and removed it. I used to run a form where lots of people logged into it... Only an administrator can remove a post. I have seem messages with 25 down votes that did not get deleted.
sparkie624 1
BTW, Make not that one of yours is setting at -27 and you still are not banned. After 10 Negatives it is hidden, but any user can click on it and still read it.
Matt Reardon -2
we live in a police state where dissent is not allowed. Everywhere you go there is a massive security and police presence. Any event - concerts, football, baseball basketball etc and of course airports. The media is all about elevating government and its police powers over us. Its all like Covid built upon lies that should be obvious but certainly not for those whose reality is a consequence of non-stop TV watching (take a lesson from 1984) . The fabrication is that there is violence everywhere just like supposedly everyone is deathly sick when neither are true and you can see that with your own eyes if you bother to think about not only what you see but. perhaps even more importantly what you do NOT see. Violence like Covid is rare it is sporadic it is mostly not severe. That is the reality unless you are glued to TV 'news'. But these manifest lies perpetuate the vested interests of huge intractable government burocracies that will earnestly protect you if they kill you in the process. We need a whole lot LESS of police, a whole lot less of these arrogant officious asshole government burocrats and a whole lot MORE dissent, questioning, skepticism, and refusal to follow stupid unnecessary 'rules etc.
SkyAware123 1
Pull your head out of your hole. Go walk downtown any large dem city at night. Report back (if you're still able to).

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Randy Stillwell 8
You are an idiot…. Why don’t you read the full report.
David Ismael Arias -3
Bet you believe January 6 was all right.

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Scott Hawthorn 1
You are full of that brown, runny stuff! The investigation is full of hard, cold, FACTS, many of which have led to prosecutions and will lead to more, including that of Trump. We are supposed to be a country covered by laws, not rampaging crowds.
Dale Ballok -3
I agree it is “FULL” of facts, but they’re stretching it to his personal life, using his Presidential duties as a front.
21voyageur 2
With being president comes certain responsibilities and expectations. He was not elected King but a president. He wanted the glory but not the responsibility, or perhaps more so, did not have the psychological / mental ability to recognize the responsibilities he assumed when being elected president.
Tim Dyck 1
Do you really think the guy who took over after Trump has the psychological/mental ability to recognize the responsibilities he assumed when elected President?

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Harry Venison -2
Calm down Nazi. Your orange god-king is a fraud. The 'jab' saved a lot of lives, masks Work. You've been lied to for a long time my main stream media. But thanks for being THAT guy who brought politics into an aviation discussion.
Tim Dyck 2
If you believe the jab saved a lot of lives you should be thanking Trump for fast tracking it’s development and getting it approved. You let politics blind you to reality, Trump was not the enemy but just a symptom of a dysfunctional country. Instead of pointing fingers and name calling why not work towards reconciliation with your fellow citizens and start rebuilding your once great country.
Tim Danaher 2
Oh like you IDIOT remarks calling him a Nazi and your orange god-king? Harry you talk about leaving politics out than you bring them right back in!! I mean when you use terms like what you just did, whether you like Trump or not it proves where you stand, not with me! But how funny you talk about THAT guy and then YOU DO THE SAMETHING!
SkyAware123 0
Trump living rent free in their tiny tiny brains 24/7/365 !!!!!!!
AWAAlum 2
And thanks for perpetuating it.


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